Monday, May 14, 2012

How big, really is BIG DATA?

Are you still asking yourself: How big, really is BIG DATA?

Listen to Patricia Florissi who explains in an easy way some of the key concepts of BIG DATA on this didactic video.
Patricia is the CTO of EMC^2, one of the largest providers of data storage and management platforms in the world (Cloud Computing).  EMC Website
Some key facts to remember:
“…. By the end of the decade (2020) the amount of data generated will be 50 times the amount of data generated today.”
“… One of the not so secret secrets of BIG DATA is that it is fuelled by the very properties of the cloud…”

Comments & Contributions welcome!


  1. Regarding the "constriction" concept I would like to point out the relativenes of it depending on the user and its location. The same piece or group of information can have different difficulties sharing it as different technological conditions, 1.e., bandwith, make it a different experience in different cities or countries around the world.

    Cloud computing and services like dropbox, Skydrive, GDrive and other are based on the premise of an enough upload speed and capabilities of user internet connection or ISP provided features. For instance, my internet connection in Colombia would take a couple of days uploading data enough to fill my 25 GB SkyDrive storage space. It is a constraint for sharing my podcast projects that would not exist if I were living in an European country like I did last year.

  2. Mauricio, certainly SPEED is a key characteristic of big data as mentioned in today’s post. Big Data must be Big, Fast and Diverse. Thanks for your comment!
